Everyone below either makes over $10,000 monthly or consistently wins over 70% of their day trades

See how Maurice has changed the lives of his past students. All of these below students received these results because they joined the VIP Trading Program & then provided a testimonial to share their success. Not from the free YouTube Content. That means if you need these results then you should join the Coaching Program.

Watch More Testimonials From People That Got Coaching

#601 - Curtis C.

"I thought the course was easy to follow and understand even as a beginner. I felt it prepared me to start live trading even though I had no prior experience."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#602 - Todd S.

"I've really enjoyed the trading course. It's very straight forward, to the point, and provides an excellent strategy for trading. I highly receommend it to anyone looking to be able to trade for a living."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#603 - Jophy J.

"I started my trading account with $3000 and was scared with even 1 contract for a few weeks and then as I started winning, I started increasing my contract size. I am currently trading 100 contracts with an 84% win rate. Now, my account officially went past the $100,000 mark! This whole experience has been surreal for me. I never believed this was possible before coming to this program."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#604 - Arthur J.

"Hands down to the MK strategy. The best I have ever seen for trading options. It has given so much confidence in trading that I honestly see myself becoming a full time trader and doing nothing else. I would highly recommend the program to anyone."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#605 - Steve K.

"I really like the strategy. I have a 90% win ratio using it. Thanks for the recommendations."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#606 - Eric O.

"I thought the course was very thorough. It was repetitive which is good for me so it will stick in my head. The homework helped build my confidence."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#607 - Chris Y.

"I think the course is great. Tons of information to get a good grasp of day trading, market trends, and insightful strategy that works no matter the market direction. I personally have some psychological hurdles to overcome, but the strategy proves itself. I would recommend this course to family and friends."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#608 - Stanley A.

"I joined the MK day trading program with no trading experience and after 2 weeks into the program, I have learned a lot about day trading than expected. My coach is very encouraging and will give a quick response to all the questions you ask."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#609 - Brian Z.

"I'm finishing week 5 and I am now a believer. I appreciate you being available and responding to my questions and providing one-on-one coaching and literally answering ANY questions I have during my sessions. I appreciate you helping me to recognize that my psychology was a cause of my frustration and needed tweaking. I now understand how important that is to successfully day trading and preventing disastrous outcomes."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#610 - Jason B.

"I am definitely more consistent now than I ever have been. Prior to this, I followed a momentum trader. The issue with his strategy is that he would trade the first hour and either hit big or miss big. I would spend the rest of the day revenge trading to get my money back. However, I am finding success in this course because it waits until the market has settled. That is why I am succeeding with this strategy."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#611 - Sylvia R,

The MK program teaches you what best setups to look for and with patience, it has led to more profitable winning trades for me. I am now winning more consistently when I apply what I learned in the MK course."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#612 - Barry G.

"I am sure the strategy works if one will be patient to wait for the perfect setup. I am finding some success and finding myself more patient as I gain some experience and confidence."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#613 - CR B.

"After 2 months of trading, I can say that this strategy works. I'm still in the learning process but I think at the end of the program, I will be a full time trader thanks to this program and my coach. I am more consistent than I was when I started the course."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#614 - Emilio M.

"The day trading online course offered by Maurice was comprehensive and informative, covering essential topics for beginners like me. I would recommend it to anyone looking to improve their skills in the field and looking to add an additional income."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#615 - Ryan H.

"The content and instruction is good. I'm continuing to grow but have a long way to go."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#616 - Shannon M.

"I'm on my final day with the MK VIP Trading program and I must say this is life-changing to another level! The course and coaching are so thorough and well put together that it makes the system very easy to implement, and increases your win percentage. A special thanks to my coach who literally empowered me with the understanding of how to become successful in the market. I give the program an A+ because it works."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#617 - Lisa A.

"My trading journey began in 2019 with big losses and small wins. Right before I found Maurice Kenny, my confidence was low and I considered giving up trading all together. However, my experience with the Maurice Kenny VIP trading program has been great. I'm much more comfortable when trading and I have complete confidence in his system. I'm currently trading 10 contracts with a 60% win rate."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#618 - Leah S.

"The course has been very informative, and I am excited to see where it can lead! There is a TON of great infor and insight included. I am very optimistic for what the future holds as I continue to practice and apply the valuable MK teachings. Thank you for offering this material and helping connect future day traders with the knowledge base, tools, and support to be successful."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#619 - Remy B.

"Thank you for your assistance. I found the course challenging yet simplistic. I like the course and how it was presented as it flows very well. I see that major zones are the way. I also see in the long run if one becomes very astute at trading this strategy, then its a great opportunity."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#620 - Yuvadee S.

"The course was structured in a way that is very easy to follow because each topic is introduced like building blocks that start from having a good understanding of the foundation and build on the advanced topics from that. When I took my first trade, I felt it was so natural as I went through the course 5 times and practiced OnDemand. I wanted for the trade to come to me and if I don't see a good setup, I just wait or not trade at all. I am in week 3 of the program and my win rate is 85%. I hope my review will give any prospective students the confidence to pursue this course. It's worth every penny."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#621 - Paul J.

"My coach is able to convey the principles of the strategy effectively. His key narrative is always keep it simple and let the chart come to you and follow the MK rules. The strategy definitely works. The concept is simple to digest, but for some it takes discipline in understanding how to implement it on a consistent basis. With practice, once you learn it, it's ingrained."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#622 - Scott G.

"The MK strategy works period! It is not a feeling. It is factual. You will not win every trade, but a majority of them as long as you stick to the rules of the strategy and follow the trading checklist. The strategy is simple in nature, but very effective. Since joining the program, I have increased my consistency in profitability through a better win rate, along with exiting a trade with a reasonable and acceptable loss. So, that at the end of the week, I am consistently profitable."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#623 - Fern B.

"The MK strategy works. All you have to do is follow the instructions and keep practicing. I am in a better place mind wise. So, I am able to focus now. I'm more consistent now than when I began the course."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#624 - Jordan L.

"The MK strategy works. I've seen it work time and time again. I'm definitely becoming more confident and consistent."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#625 - Robert M.

"This is a proven strategy that works. I haven't been this excited for a very long time about something with so much potential to change my family's life and lifestyle. I go to bed every night excited to wake up early to practice trading and hone this skill I've acquired. My average win is 2-3 times my average loss. I've scaled up to 25 contracts. I still learn something new almost everyday."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#626 - Sean H.

"The course was well put together and easy to go through. The strategy is simple. You just have to have discipline. If I didn't have a coach, I'd still be on the wrong chart. Even with my schedule, I'm still going to keep at it."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#627 - Keith T.

"I want to thank my coach for all her help and support. It's a little bit of a challenge because I can only trade in the afternoon. I probably only get to live trade twice a week at most. But, I still have a very good success rate. My success rate was probably 20 or 30% before the program and now I am around a 70% win rate."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#628 - Whitney G.

"I am a new trader and a friend recommended that I take MK's program. For a brand new trader, I cannot recommend it enough! Once you finish your educational videos and start trading, you are paired with a coach. The material and strategy is amazing. However, it is the coaches and their feedback/assistance that MAKES the program. I highly recommend purchasing the material and paying for coaching. Do keep in mind that this program works, but it will take work!"

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#629 - Skye C.

"The MK course and strategy doesn't only work, but it has great people involved with you learning and getting an understanding of this awesome strategy. This isn't something that will come overnight, but it takes time. They could double the price on me and I wouldn't bat an eye!"

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#630 - Howard V.

"Fantastic trading course. Every step is laid out in detail once you start. My coach was amazing in that he recognized my strengths and helped me push through my weaknesses. I could not be more happy with my experience."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#631 - Joanna W.

"I found the VIP Trading course to be an excellent training course. I have never day traded and was a bit hesitant to pursue this course as I honestly did not think I would be able to absorb the information well enough to eventually trade. I found it to be repetitive enough for me to understand what was being taught. It was also simplistic enough for someone who has never traded."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#632 - Christian G.

"Before the MK program, I traded for almost 6 six years and failed miserably for the first 3 years. But, the last 2 years I was winning 50% of my trades. Now, almost a year after joining the MK program, my trading skills has gotten better and I am winning 80-90%. I recommend this program for those who are serious about day trading."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#633 - Gabby M.

"This program is one of the best investments I have made in 2023. Maurice and the coaches are motivates to get their students into a level of success. I would recommend this program to all individuals who want to get into trading whether they are a beginner or experienced. I am a beginner in trading and this program has allowed me to success in day trading within just weeks into the program."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#634 - Caroline M.

"I'm in week 10 of the VIP Day Trader program. I just want to say it's a blessing that these coaches know what they are doing what we want to do. They have taken the time and energy to teach us and have adapted to our needs, our situations, our education level. I've gained $500 since in the past two weeks."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#635 - Justin W.

"I'm happy to report that after five weeks, I'm at a 93% win rate on my trades. I started out trading a lot of trades and thanks to your coaching, I slowed down and started taking high quality trades. I'm looking forward to continuing on and leveling up now."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#636 - Christopher W.

"As an experienced trader, I joined the MK trading program looking for a program that is clear and focused. The MK program is just what I needed. The program not only provides you with a trading system but also gives you insight into what is behind your trading. I have tried other trading programs. However, this is the best complete program I have taken. My goal is to consistently generate an income of 5 figures monthly by year's end and I am on track."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#637 - Jacinta W.

"The Maurice Kenny VIP Day trading program is one of the best trading programs out there. His one on one coaching program is worth every penny and I am grateful to have been a part of it. My coach is a great coach and as a result I am better at evaluating the charts and understanding where to take profits. I would 100% recommend this program to anyone seeking to become a successful trader."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#638 - Christopher Y.

"I'm in the middle of my 4th week in the MK VIP trading program. My coach is great and straight to the point - which is exactly what I need. As soon as I started, he showed me what I was doing wrong. I had too big of a risk versus my reward. He helped me to become more patient and this whole week I was 100% with 5 contracts. So, that is amazing for me. I can't thank him enough. I look forward to the remainder of my program to just keep going well."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#639 - Jesus R.

"MK Financial is an exceptional company that has exceeded my expectations in every way. Their commitment to customer service is unparalleled, and they consistently go above and beyond to ensure client satisfaction. Their expertise in the trading industry is evident through their impressive track record of success. I would highly recommend MK to friends and family."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#640 - Elena B.

"The course was extremely helpful. It was easy to follow and paced a lot of information into seven hours of online video lessons. The content was well delivered and allowed for those of us without much experience to get well acquainted with the material and the MK method. I would highly recommend this course to others."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#641 - Cedrick E.

"I would highly recommend the program to anyone whom would like to learn to trade and are looking for simplicity. The videos were highly specific and easy to listen to. The examples are as easy and clear as they could be to grasp the concepts. The online course is actually better than some of the college courses I have taken. If you are looking for the best, you can't and won't go wrong by starting with this online course."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#642 - Juan C.

"The MK VIP course is the best thing I have done for my trading. It will give you confidence to the highest level. If you follow the strategy, you will get the results long term."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#643 - Brian F.

"I joined at the end of March and have learned so much during this program. Not only have I learned a strategy that will allow me to grow financially, I've also been given the gift of time with my family. Concentrating on the right setups and using alerts, I don't have to sit in front of the screen looking at charts all day. My coach has been amazing. She is always there to analyze a trade I took and answer any questions I have."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#644 - Ryan U.

"I'm extremely skeptical and it tooks months for me to pull the trigger on this program. Now after week 8 of working on the strategy (with a 71% win ratio), I regret that I wasted those few extra months at my corporate job trying to invest into starting a business when this was way easier and more interesting."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#645 - LaTrisha W.

"Maurice's day trading course is absolutely the most simplest training I have ever experienced. This course is worth every penny. I started off with basic knowledge about day trading. With the help of this course and my mentor, I feel more confident when I make trades."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#646 - Ryan D.

"Very informative course and the coaching has been great. This strategy has helped me improve my trading and I am looking forward to what the future holds as I begin to master the strategy."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#647 - Vance M.

"The MK Trading program is detailed and laid out step by step with a process that is easy to understand and implement. My previous trading experience had created a lot of bad habits and I have to say that it was not easy to get rid of those. A BIG shout out to my coach. He analyzed all of my trades and helped me clear out all of the mental mistakes I was making. I finally gained clarity and realized that all I needed to do was to be patient, get rid of the noise, and allow the trades to come to me."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#648 - Abraham T.

"I was a struggling trader and needed help to be a consistently profitable trader. I'm glad I joined the MK family. Before joining the MK family, I took 4 different courses plus watched many free YouTube resources, but it did not make me profitable - not until I joined the MK family. The MK course is the real deal if you are willing to follow and practice as recommended. My win ratio now varies between 75-100%."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#649 - Kirk G.

"I am very pleased with this program. It is simple (not easy) and comprehensive. This has truly been a life changing event for which I am very appreciative."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#650 - Amar R.

"The MK VIP Trading program is perfectly organized and detail oriented. My coach is excellent and always available when needed to clarify any questions. He regularly follows up to make sure I'm heading in the right direction."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#651 - Boone B.

"Before getting into the MK trading program, I had no idea what trading was. I first bought the course and then the coaching program. Before coaching, my win percentage was well below 50% and now I've increased it to 75-80% by being disciplined and waiting for the right setup. I am eager to continue with the program and see where it will take me."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#652 - Logan M.

"I found the course to be informative, well-paced and digestible in its delivery. Maurice is an engaging presenter and does a great job progressively adding more detail while maintaining focus on what is most important. I also enjoyed the complementary perspectives of other coaches and the end of the course. I would highly recommend the course to others."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#653 - Mark S.

"I think the course is great so far. It seems to cover everything you need to know and the strategy is understandable, with few rules needed to understand it. I'm anxious to get better at implementing the course ideas and start making money. I would definitely recommend it."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#654 - Kit H.

"I think the course is great so far. It seems to cover everything you need to know and the strategy is understandable, with few rules needed to understand it. I'm anxious to get better at implementing the course ideas and start making money.I would definitely recommend it."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#655 - Greg D.

"I highly recommend this program. The lessons are simple but cover everything you need to know about. If you are looking to become a trader, or you just want to sharpen your skills, this program is for you!"

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#656 - Curtis C.

"I'm in my fourth week in the MK program and I've been very happy with the program so far. What's been eye opening for me and I think the most valuable part has been the one on one coaching. Every since, I had our first interaction, it's been wonderful. I think she's really helped me get on a path where I didn't think I would be in four weeks. Out of my last 20 trades, I've had 18 wins and 2 losses, which is mind boggling considering where I was four weeks ago, starting the program."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#657 - Emilio M.

"I just was introduced to the Maurice Kenny program via social media. I was looking to day trade and other programs were too complicated. So, I joined the program and it is phenomenal. It is easy to understand and I highly recommend it. I have won five out of my last six trades. If trading is what you want to do, you have to be serious about it, commit to it, and don't slack."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#658 - Patricia P.

"The course offered by Maurice was informative and includes the necessary steps to ensure the skills for options day trading are understood for beginners like me. I am able to add this to my retirement portfolio."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#659 - Phoebe O.

"I am hoping to have a career in day trading and this course is an amazing mirror into the world of options trading. For someone who has never traded in her life, the course is surprisingly easy to understand. I would definitely recommend this course for those who want to maximize their trade winnings."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#660 - Roman S.

"The course is well designed. I especially like that every concept is broken down into small chunks (not big, long lectures). Maurice goes over topics multiple times and with many examples - including how to use the trading platform. I definitely recommend the online course to anyone."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#661 - Natalie B.

"The MK VIP training is well worth the investment. The staff are all very encouraging and they trade with MK's strategy and are very successful. My winning percentage has increased exponentially since going through the course. My coach has been patient and very knowledgeable through this process. If you have the opportunity to join, this is a great experience."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#662 - Brad H.

"I recommend the MK program to anyone who wants to improve their success and profit in trading. Definitely worth the time and investment to do so."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#663 - Drew A.

"I've been part of the MK strategy community since the first week in January 2023. I finished my 10 weeks of the course and I was having a hard time managing my trades. So, even though my win ratio was at 85%, my losers were a lot bigger than my gainers. So, I tasked myself with doing 200 practice trades and journaling them. I was very diligent about taking all notes possible and journaling every single piece of every trade and I received over a 90% win rate. There's no replacement for time in front of the charts and just taking practice trades. As a result, I was at a 100% win rate live trading and my account is up over 70%."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#664 - Sahr L.

"The class has been really helpful and beneficial for me and helped me learn the basic principles. I had about a month background on options. But, I was winning and experiencing big losses. After really honing in on the MK strategy, it made things a lot more simple. I made $30K within the last two weeks. I can actually see light at the end of the tunnel. Even on the trades that I have lost on, I actually learned from them because I am able to see my mistakes. I strongly recommend the class."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#665 - Yuvadee S.

"So far, the strategy has been working really well for me. I still need to learn a little more about understanding the lowest risk for my entry. However, so far, everything has been working very good. My win rate has been over 90% and I have to say I give all the credit to my coach. He has been helping me with identifying any risk areas that I have never thought of. So, every time that I put on my trade, I go over it twice in my head and think what would my coach say. That helped me eliminate high risk trades. This program is changing my life."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#666 - Akin O.

"This is a complete system, not like anything else seen out there. High quality support centered around trading psychology."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#667 - Echo R.

"Where do I begin? This is absolutely an amazing experience! Being brand new to options trading, I was a bit optimistic because there are so many different chat rooms and groups to choose from, it was overwhelming. Then, somehow, I ran into Maurice Kenny's VIP trading program and I am very happy that I did! The courses are very detailed and worth every penny. The support I have received has been phenomenal! They are here to make sure you succeed."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#668 - Ed V.

"The course was very straightforward and to the point. I had some experience with options but not a lot. The course filled in a lot of the missing pieces for me. I love the attention to detail that this course has and it's easy to follow. Great job to the MK team for putting this course together."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#669 - Diana C.

"I am about 90% with 20 to 30 contracts. My bank roll is too small!"

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#670 - Jack H.

"The MK course is a great way to learn how to day trade or to improve on what you already know. Maurice made it very simple and understandable even for someone who has never traded before. I'd recommend this course to anyone looking to get started."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#671 - Kim S.

"Hands down Maurice Kenny VIP trading has been the best experience for a novice trader. It's easy to learn and the coaches are always available and helpful. I highly recommend it."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#672 - Jim S.

"Maurice Kenny's course is exactly what I was looking for. I've purchased multiple courses in the past and found a lot of useless information and confusion in them. I love the way his 1-1-2 concept is laid out! 1 strategy, 1 ticker, 2 major zones. It has truly simplified trading for me. Now I just have to hone my skills to try to master it. I would encourage anyone who is interested in getting into trading to invest in this valuable information."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#673 - Patrick C.

"To anyone considering the MK trading program, I would highly recommend it! The coaching team Maurice has put together is superb. They are well versed in day trading option and coaching! Maurice has laid out a simple option trading program, which if you study and follow, will allow you to become a successful trader. I have been completely satisfied with my decision to take the MK day trading course."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#674 - Tiffany M.

"I recommend this program to anyone who wants to learn how to trade options. It changed my life. A huge thank you to my coach."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#675 - Chuck

"I really enjoy the program. It helped out a lot. I am still learning and have to get out of my bad habits. My coach always answered my emails and questions and is the best. I wish her much success in the future."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#676 - Trevor R.

"I have been a part of the MK trading program for over a month now and I have learned so much from this simple strategy. Before coming into the program, I have never made a trade in my life and I have already gained a lot of skills from this program. I have won 80% of my trades easy. I still have a lot of room to grow, but thanks to the MK strategy and my coach, I feel like I am well on my way to becoming a real full time day trader."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#677 - Matt K.

"The experience with Maurice's company has been great from the very beginning. Great onboarding into the program. The program itself is very well laid out, clear and concise, and the follow up support and direction/teaching with the coaching staff has been fantastic. All in all - a great investment, a great system, and highly recommended."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#678 - Troy B.

"It's been 2 days using what I've learned with 5 tiny contracts as I'm only a few days into the training. I'm up $256 yesterday and $248 today. I am really happy with this progress."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#679 - Shay S.

"The MK course provided me with the necessary information to pull over 15 years of trying to trade the stock market into a successful strategy. The strategy allows me to make a trading plan for entry, exit, and management for a profit. I am now able to look at a chart and break it down. The investment for the course was that one book or word that I needed to stop my constant search for a mentor and/ or program to help me become a successful day trader."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#680 - Reuben K.

"If you still remember, by my graduation in February, I had made $10,000. Then, $13,000 in March and $22,000 in April. I have already made $20,000 for the month of May. So, my grand total is $65,000. I think its going to be crazy when I scale up to swing trading.""I really enjoy the program. It helped out a lot. I am still learning and have to get out of my bad habits. My coach always answered my emails and questions and is the best. I wish her much success in the future."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#681 - Christopher G.

"Learning this strategy with the personalized coaching is taking my trading to the next level. The MK trading strategy is simple and the coursework is rich in content. They provided me with a clear path from learning the material to live trading."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#682 - Al H.

"Based on my experience over the last 2 1/2 weeks, I truly believe the program provides a lot of value to those committed to following the steps and rules. My goal is to memorize the candle setups and the best entry/exit to make consistent profits. The program provides the roadmap to be successful in a clear and non-complex language that anyone with minimal option experience can profit consistently. During my short time within the program, I have gained more confidence in my trades than I have experienced trading using lagging indicators."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#683 - Scott H.

"Thanks coach for timely responses to my daily trades, your helpful insights, and corrections to my many mistake. It ha been very helpful to receive that immediate feedback, while going through the learning process. I feel the coaching is the game changer with this program. I really believe in the strategy, and I view this as a lifelong skill that will help me into retirement to provide income and something to keep my mind active. What better hobby to have than one that also makes you money."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#684 - Nyoki A.

"Special thanks to my coach for her wonderful insight and helping me clear most of the fog and better adhere to the simplicity of the MK strategy. To the other coaches, thanks for your contribution in the general chat and the responses have also been helpful. To all the wonderful traders, stick to the process, and practice, practice, practice."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#685 - Ravi P.

"I am more consistent with the MK strategy and making some great profits. By following the contract scaling process and the strategy, I am getting the best returns. A great strategy that is simple to follow."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#686 - Elad O.

"I am confident the MK strategy works because I see the results. After 4 weeks into the program, I am more consistent with trading than I have ever been and getting great results. The coaching has helped me stick to the strategy and have a higher win rate."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#687 - Brian Z.

"The MK strategy training material gave me much better control over my trading, and taught me the details of entering and exiting trades in TOS, and gave me proper entry and exit criteria. In addition to reviewing the course multiple times and practicing the MK strategy, I discovered that coaching was required to iron out bumps along the way. I am not sure if I would have made it to a 70% win rate without that. Thank you for your loom tutoring and Q&A sessions during the course, especially to help me understand ZRCE."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#688 - Oretta H.

"The strategy has made me a more consistent trader, getting me a 70% win rate. The strategy is simple to follow and the course spells out what to do. All you have to do is to be patient and wait for the trades to come to you."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#689 - Al H.

"The MK strategy gave me a consistent way to trade and I have seen a positive win rate with my live trades and practice trades. The key is following the rules and sticking to the strategy."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#690 - David L.

"At 5 weeks into the program, I have made $10,000. This strategy works. The course has shown me what I need to be a profitable and consistent trader even in choppy markets, like we have been having. The key to success is following the rules, sticking to the strategy, and letting the trades come to you."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#691 - Michael H.

"I'd like to thank Maurice for developing the program and thank my coaches as I really appreciate them. This program has been very helpful to me. To give you a little background, I have over two years trading experience with another program and my win rate with that program was around 40-50%. With the MK trading strategy, I'm up at 70% now and it's improving every day. It's mainly because I just have bad habits from years of experience doing the wrong thing. However, I have confidence that very soon I'll be trading near 90%. So far, I've made over $10,000 in this program. So, it's paid for itself and I appreciate that. Joining the program was a very good decision. I do recommend it to anybody that's interested in trading. Stick to the rules and you'll be successful."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#692 - Scott G.

"I took a break from live trading for the past 2 weeks, but just picked it back up. While recovering, I re-watched the course material and continued to practice OnDemand. I am pleased to report that this morning I broke the $10k profit ceiling by $700. I have plans to join Investor Academy possibly in a few months as this experience has been very beneficial for me."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#693 - Richard B.

"This course is the way to take away the confusion and minutia of chart reading. It is easy to see the potentially profitable setups with their entry and exit points."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#694 - Nigel C.

"Everything is good. I have been trading everyday and I am 3 for 3 this week. The course is very good. I like the layout of the course. It answers a lot of questions as you progress through the material which is something that a lot of courses I have purchased lack. I would recommend this course."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#695 - Joe H.

"MK trading offers an exceptional platform that empowers traders, elevating them from occasional success to consistent profitability. The value derived from this investment is truly transformative. The comprehensive courses, led by Maurice and his team of highly skilled coaches, provide unparalleled expertise in the field. Their offerings serve as the final stepping stone on your journey to achieving sustained trading profitability."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#696 - Anthony D.

"Maurice Kenny's VIP trading program is an exceptional resource for individuals looking to venture into the world of options trading. It stands out due to its meticulous organization and detailed approach, making it simple and easy to learn for traders of all skill levels. Maurice's program breaks down complex concepts into digestible modules, providing a comprehensive understanding of options trading strategies and techniques."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#697 - Eric O.

"Maurice Kenny's program is extremely thorough. The detail and effort put into making sure you win is life changing. I look at the market completely different now. My coach pushed me to be better day after day. I am grateful for finding this program."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#698 - Benjamin B.

"I am confident that the MK strategy works because the rules have given me consistent trading that brings in profits. When you stick to the rules, it gives you positive results."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#699 - Paul J.

"I just wanted to give a shout out to my coach. I really appreciate all the insight he has provided. He is definitely an expert at reading price action and easily can discern where my trades have gone wrong and where they have gone right. He stresses to keep it simple and let the easy and medium trades come to you."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

#700 - Jordan L.

"I have seen the MK strategy work time and time again. When you follow the strategy, it works."

Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed.

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